Official notification

This official notification is posted in addition to other legal notices and statements of responsibility, which are located on the website «» owned by Alpha LLC or included in the documents posted on this website. Alpha LLC reserves the right to make any changes to this text without prior notice to users of the site.


The information on the site «» is protected by copyright law. Alpha LLC provides the right for site visitors to use published materials for any personal and non-commercial purposes. Except for the specified situation, the reproduction (copying) of any materials of the site is impossible without the direct written permission of Alpha LLC.

License rights

Information published on the website «» can not be taken as the granting of license rights to intellectual property owned by Alpha LLC or third parties.

Content of materials

Alpha LLC has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information posted on this site, but its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Alpha LLC reserves the right to make changes to the content of materials on this site at any time in its sole discretion. Products or services not directly related to the company Alpha LLC are mentioned for informational purposes only. All information about Alpha LLC and third parties on this site is presented in the form in which it exists in the official documentation of Alpha LLC.

Some materials on this site are predictive in nature and content and, therefore, carry significant risks and uncertainties. The site visitor should be aware that such forecasts are preliminary and actual events and circumstances may differ significantly from them as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to: dependence on suppliers in introducing and promoting new products; price competition, competition from existing and new market players or specialized sellers; changes in economic policy, legislation and regulatory framework; changes in exchange rates or market situation; inability to attract investments or credit resources on acceptable terms.

In any events, in connection with the possibility / inability to use the resources of this site, as well as in connection with the use of materials and documents posted on the site by third parties (including information, the appearance of which on the site was not initiated by the company), Alpha LLC is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage, in particular, damage from loss of profits, loss of profits, rising of costs, loss of information and etc.


Trademarks, signs, logos and etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Trademarks") placed on this site are the property of Alpha LLC and third parties. The information published on the site does not grant any license rights to use any trademarks without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner.


What information do we collect? We store the identifiable information coming from you, provided when requesting proposals, appeals through various forms of the site «» and other interactions with the site. Such data may include: first name, last name, telephone number, e-mail address. At the time of collecting information, we notify you under what circumstances your data may be stored by us until they are deleted from our databases. At your request, information can be deleted at any time. Information about site visitors (IP address, domain name, browser type and operating system, date and time of visit, etc.) is collected and stored for the purposes of statistics of visits. This information is publicly available, so Alpha LLC is not responsible for its disclosure.

What do we do with the received information?

This data can be used for marketing purposes; to send you news and information about promotions, new products and services of Alpha LLC; to personalize the site based on your search history and views. While sending messages from the website forms you will be asked to choose whether you want to receive such information. If you agree to receive certain types of mailings, the following intervals are set for receiving them:

• News of Alpha LLC - no more than once a week
• Promotions of Alpha LLC - no more than once a week

The data obtained in an impersonal form can be used to better understand the needs of customers of Alpha LLC and improve the quality of service. Your consent to receive mailings from Alpha LLC is voluntary, and you can change your choice at any time or refuse further receipt of the above information. Below we will explain in more detail how this can be done.

How do I cancel or change your information?

We will only send you electronic and text messages if you give us your consent. You can ask us to change or cancel your personal information on some or all of our mailing lists at any time. All emails sent to you contain a unsubscribe link. To cancel individual or all subscriptions, click on this link and do the following: in the pop-up window, deselect the types of news that you do not want to receive, or check the box "I do not want to receive newsletter" to unsubscribe from all newsletters.

If you have any difficulties in changing or cancelling your personal data, you can contact the customer support service of the company Alpha LLC by phone +7 (495) 726-37-55 or email

Effect of legislation

Support of this site is carried out from the office of Alpha LLC, located in Moscow, Russian Federation. All issues related to users ' access to the site and the use of information posted on it are regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Any disputes concerning the use of the site should be considered by a court of competent jurisdiction, namely, the Moscow city arbitration court.


In this document, Alpha LLC means a legal entity Alpha LLC:
Legal address: 107143, Russia, Moscow, Otkrytoe Shosse st., D. 17, korp. 1, office. 1A
Actual address: 105120, Russia, Moscow, Lower Syromyatnicheskaya st, 10, building 9, office 426
tel: 8 (495) 726-37-55
INN: 7718013295
KPP: 771801001
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